Volunteers and Coaching

Welcome to our Volunteer and Coaching hub!



Please see below vacant positions: 

Alexandra FNC 

Senior Netball Coaching positions open for A, B, C, D, & 17&Under


Michelle Jack – 0400 519 862

email: alexfootball@virtual.net.au or alexandrafnc@outereastfn.com.au

Position description: A Grade Coach PD.pdf


Gembrook Cockatoo FNC 

Senior Netball Coaching positions


Sarah – 0413 945 625


Olinda Ferny Creek FNC 

Olinda Ferny Creek are looking for Netball coaches to join our ranks for 2025 alongside our top class team led by national representative Jake Hederics!

We are looking for candidates to lead our C Grade and D Grade squads next season, please contact our netball coordinator Dana on OFCFNC.netball@gmail.com or 0433146156 for expressions of interest.

Powelltown FNC 

Senior Netball Coaching positions open for A, B, C, and D grade.


Tayla Adams – 0433 548 108

Jodie Stenhouse – 0428 245 782 

Geoff Mooney – 0424 661 401 

Email: powelltown_fnc@live.com



Coaching EOI



0408 530 358

Upwey Tecoma FNC 

Senior Netball Head Coach


President, Craig Waters – president@utfnc.org.au 0418 515 417


Woori Yallock FNC 

Expressions of Interest for a Football Operations Manager






Don’t see a position at a club you would like to volunteer at? 

Click the link and fill out the form, we will help you get in contact with the club: Volunteer EOI Form 


Have a position at your club you would like advertised?

Please email development@outereastfn.com.au with the following information: 

  1. Name of role 
  2. Role description 
  3. Best contact 
  4. Flyer if there is one
  5. Any other information you would like presented